Sometimes schools just need a little push to help them maintain their schoolwide positive behavior support (SWPBS) efforts. I often get to meet with high schools that have great support. They receive excellent training and coaching from outside of their school. These schools are just struggling to find a few additional supports to meet their […]
Resources for High School Positive Behavior Support
“That’s helpful information, but next time, could you please talk about high schools?” This comment was feedback from a school where I had given a presentation. All of the content was from high schools, but I just forgot to be explicit that all of it was from and for secondary schools. That is where I […]
Implementing Social and Emotional Learning Approaches
There are a wide variety of programs to support social and emotional learning (SEL). There is research that supports that schoolwide SEL can be very helpful for improving students outcomes. However, it sometimes can be difficult to identify approaches to match the needs of your students. When looking for SEL programs, it is best to look […]
Gaining Traction and Buy-In for PBS
I once heard John Maxwell say that if a train was moving at 55 miles per hour, it could knock through a six-foot block of concrete. However, if the train was sitting still, you could put a two inch block of wood in front of one of the front wheels and it would be stuck. […]
How to Improve Your Acknowledgment
I sometimes get questions about acknowledging students, particularly as it relates to praise. This is an important part of creating a positive behavioral environment for your class. Interestingly, teachers who use a higher ratio of praise to correction, and are specific when they do so (e.g., I like the way you are working so hard […]