Greetings, I don’t know about you, but what makes my life harder is not knowing what to do, but it’s knowing how to work with others in getting it done. As I watch my student teachers, coach schools, and work with colleagues, I become increasingly aware of the importance of expressing concerns effectively. In my own […]
Tiered intervention resources
I hope this finds you well. Here are some resources that might help your work. Evidenced-based practices. This is a link to a site that includes evidenced-based practices related implementing tiered approaches in your school. Topics include coaching your school(s), collaborative teaching, literary, and more.\ Some of you may be familiar with Classroom Dojo […]
Your Mission and Adult Expectations
In one school where I was coaching, team members would leave meetings crying due to name calling, finger pointing, and intimidation by some faculty. Fortunately, they took time to set expectations for how they were going to work together. Expectations are not just for students, but for adults as well. Climate and culture matter […]
Examples of Tiers of Intervention
Sometimes a question comes in related to finding information about tiers of intervention in high schools. There are a few examples I really like. I really like this example of PBIS and RtI in high school settings (great practical examples at the end of the paper) Also, Matt Burns recently held an online […]
Data Dashboard
The REL Data Dashboard webinar this week was helpful. Their site has several archived webinars for creating data dashboards for school teams and teachers. The helpful thing about these dashboards is that rely in existing data. Here is link to the previous and upcoming webinars for creating these dashboards. Here is an example […]